Wraparound care at Pathfinder CofE Primary School

Useful information

♦Kids Choice run the wraparound care at Pathfinder C of E Primary School.

♦We offer a breakfast club that is open from 7.30 until 8.40am. The cost is currently £6

♦We also offer an after-school club that starts at 3.20 until 6pm. The cost is currently £12

♦All bookings are made through www.kidschoice.magicbooking.co.uk 

♦ We operate out of the wraparound care room, main hall and outside playgrounds and field. 

♦Children will be able to have a snack on arrival alongside fresh fruit and vegetables. Chilled water is always available. 

♦ We are registered with Ofsted and our reference number is 2695466

♦ Our club contact number is 07534 192994

♦ For club related enquiries speak to the club manager –  kidschoicepathfinder@gmail.com

♦ For enquiries related to bookings, payments and other general queries – kidschoiceclubs@gmail.com

What your child will get up to

Otherwise known as out of school club or after-school club, our wraparound care at Pathfinder C of E Primary School operates during term time only and offers a breakfast club and after-school club every day. 

Children will arrive in the morning and have the choice of cereal, toast, croissants and fruit to start their day. On Fridays we offer a special hot breakfast that consists of bacon rolls in brioche buns!  At after-school club children arrive in staggered intervals from 3.20. Once they arrive they are signed in and then they will wash their hands before choosing whether they would like to have to eat. We offer a small snack which changes day to day. During the week they may have Hot dogs, Sandwiches, Pancakes, Wraps and Brioche rolls. This will always be accompanied by fresh fruit, vegetables and chilled water. 

Once children have finished snack and washed up their plate they will be able to access the wide variety of toys and resources available both inside and outside. We will also organise both active and arts & crafts activities each afternoon. Active things include go-karts, football, basketball, tennis and badminton. There will always be a quiet space and book corner for children to access should they wish to. 


Early years children (Reception)

Reception children or EYFS (children aged 5 or under) will be assigned a key worker who you as a parent/carer will be introduced to. The key worker will ensure your child settles in well and is happy within the setting. They may also make notes on their development to ensure the environment supports them with all aspects of learning. You can always speak to the manager or email us for more information. 

Special educational needs

We are an inclusive setting and will support any children with special educational needs to access our provision. Every situation is different and therefore we ask all parents/carers to come in for a consultation to discuss their Childs needs before they book them in for a session. From here we can decide on the best route to take in regards to accessing the club.